
Search Icon

Wolfgang Koeppen

Walter Abish

Austrian-American writer

César Aira

Argentine author

Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Japanese novelist

Will Alexander

Contemporary African American poet

Osama Alomar

Syrian-American poet and short story writer

Ana Luísa Amaral

Portuguese poet

Doon Arbus

American author

Paul Auster

Contemporary American novelist, essayist, translator, and poet

Jimmy Santiago Baca

Contemporary Chicano poet and writer of short stories and screen plays

Alhierd Bacharevič

Belarusian writer

Djuna Barnes

20th century American journalist, novelist and Modernist writer

Charles Baudelaire

19th century French poet, essayist, and translator

Bei Dao

Contemporary Chinese poet, representative of the Misty Poets.

Yevgenia Belorusets

Contemporary Ukrainian writer

Mei-mei Berssenbrugge

Chinese-born American poet

Roberto Bolaño

Twentieth-century Chilean poet and novelist

Jorge Luis Borges

Twentieth-century Argentine author

Beatriz Bracher

Brazilian writer

Can Xue

Contemporary Chinese fiction writer and literary critic

Elias Canetti

Anne Carson

Canadian poet, essayist and translator of Greek mythology

Horacio Castellanos Moya

Salvadoran writer and journalist

Mary Ann Caws

American author, art historian and literary critic

Louis-Ferdinand Céline

20th century French writer and physician

Rafael Chirbes

Inger Christensen

20th century poet, author, and playwright

Xi Chuan

Julio Cortázar

20th century Argentine novelist, poet, essayist, short-story writer and Surrealist

Amparo Dávila

Mexican short story writer

Osamu Dazai

20th century Japanese novelist

Helen DeWitt

American writer

Hilda Doolittle (H.D.)

20th century American poet

Marcia Douglas

Jamaican American writer

Daša Drndić

Mathias Énard

Prix Goncourt winning French novelist

Shusaku Endo

20th century Japanese writer

Jenny Erpenbeck

German writer and former opera director

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

American writer, publisher, activist, visual artist, and founder of City Lights Books

Thalia Field

Contemporary American fiction writer

Rivka Galchen

Forrest Gander

American poet, novelist, and translator

Romain Gary

Franco-Lithuanian novelist

Yoshimasu Gozo

Henry Green

20th century British novelist

David Hinton

David Hinton is an American poet and translator of ancient Chinese poetry.

Takashi Hiraide

Japanese writer

Yoel Hoffmann

Israeli author and translator

Susan Howe

American poet and essayist

Bohumil Hrabal

Czech novelist and poet

Kim Hyesoon

South Korean poet

Sonallah Ibrahim

Egyptian activist and writer

Rachel Ingalls

American writer

Ingeborg Bachmann

Christopher Isherwood

Christopher Isherwood was an English-American novelist who is best known for his novel _A Single Man_.

Rabee Jaber

Lebanese novelist and journalist

Fleur Jaeggy

Fleur Jaggy is a translator and novelist.

Camilo José Cela

Camilo José Cela was a significant contributor to 20th century Spanish Literature.

Franz Kafka

Mieko Kanai

Japanese novelist, poet, essayist, and critic

Yasunari Kawabata

John Keene

American writer and translator

László Krasznahorkai

Miroslav Krleža

Miroslav Krleža was a dominant Croatian and Yugoslav writer.

Eka Kurniawan

Indonesian writer

Rachel Kushner

James Laughlin

James Laughlin was the founder of New Directions and author of several collections of poetry

Denise Levertov

Poet and political activist

Clarice Lispector

20th-century Brazilian writer

Luljeta Lleshanaku

Contemporary Albanian poet

Édouard Louis

Nathaniel Mackey

Contemporary American poet

Xavier de Maistre

18th Century French writer

Javier Marías

Contemporary Spanish novelist

Bernadette Mayer

Contemporary American Poet

Michael McClure

Contemporary American Poet, Playwright, Novelist

Fernanda Melchor

Mexican Author

Thomas Merton

20th Century Theological Poet

Dunya Mikhail

20th Century Iraqi Poet

Henry Miller

20th Century American writer

Yukio Mishima

20th Century Japanese novelist and playwright

Pamela Mordecai

Vladimir Nabokov

20th Century Russian novelist

Natalia Ginzburg

Hiroko Oyamada

Michael Palmer

Contemporary American Poet

Octavio Paz

Twentieth-century Mexican Poet

Fernando Pessoa

Robert Plunket

American columnist and novelist

Ezra Pound

20th Century American poet

T. F. Powys

British writer

Raymond Queneau

20th Century French experimentalist

José Revueltas

Mexican writer and activist

Kenneth Rexroth

20th Century American poet, essayist, and translator.

Evelio Rosero

Contemporary Colombian novelist

Fran Ross

Joseph Roth

20th Century Austrian writer

Hiroaki Sato

Japanese poet and translator

Delmore Schwartz

20th century American poet and short story writer

W.G. Sebald

German novelist and poet

Anne Serre

French writer

Patti Smith

Patti Smith is an American singer-songwriter and author.

Stevie Smith

20th century English poet and novelist

A. L. Snijders

Dutch writer

Gary Snyder

Contemporary American beat poet, essayist and environmental activist

Dag Solstad

Norwegian writer

Muriel Spark

20th century Scottish novelist, poet and essayist

Wisława Szymborska

Polish poet

Junichiro Tanizaki

Japanese writer

Yoko Tawada

Contemporary Japanese-German prose writer

Dylan Thomas

20th century Welsh poet

Rosemary Tonks

English poet and writer

Tomas Tranströmer

Swedish poet and Nobel Laureate

Regina Ullmann

Jane Unrue

Enrique Vila-Matas

Spanish writer

Harald Voetmann

Danish writer

Rosmarie Waldrop

Contemporary American poet

Robert Walser

Early twentieth-century Swiss novelist

Eliot Weinberger

American essayist and translator

William Carlos Williams

One of the greatest poets of the 20th Century, William Carlos Williams is “The cornerstone of New Directions”

Tennessee Williams

America’s playwright

Kader Abdolah

Iranian-Dutch novelist

Gini Alhadeff

Chris Andrews

Spanish translator

Susan Bernofsky

Translator of German

Max Blecher

20th-century Romanian-born Jewish poet, prose writer, and translator of works into Romanian

Philip Boehm

Don Mee Choi

Korean poet and translator

Margaret Jull Costa

Translator of Portuguese and Spanish literature

Lydia Davis

American translator, novelist, poet, and essayist

Nicola Gardini

Italian novelist

Yuri Herrera

contemporary Mexican writer, editor

Michael Hofmann

Poet and translator from the German

Anne McLean

Spanish Translator

Victor Meadowcroft

Spanish and Portuguese translator

Margaret Mitsutani

Benjamin Moser

Benjamin Moser is an American writer and translator.

Ottilie Mulzet

Susanna Nied

Johanne Sorgenfri Ottosen

Danish translator

Minna Zallman Proctor

Kit Schluter

French and Spanish translator

Anna Della Subin

American writer

Stefan Tobler

Stefan Tobler is a translator from Portuguese and German.

Ferreira Gullar

Michael Henry Heim

Norman Manea

Romanian novelist

Olga Ravn

Contemporary Danish novelist and poet.

Paul Wilson

Hosam Aboul-Ela

Arabic translator

Kareem James Abu-Zeid

Translator from the Arabic

Valentine Ackland

20th Century Modernist poet

Bernard Adams

Translator of Hungarian Literature

Prince Ilango Adigal

Ancient Tamil poet and Jain monk.

Kaouther Adimi

Jeremy Adler


Martín Adán

Peruvian modernist writer

Agnes Scott Langeland

Translator of Norwegian

Ah Cheng

Contemporary Chinese author and screenwriter

Aftab Ahmad

Urdu translator

Martin Aitken

Contemporary translator from the Danish and Norwegian

Ahmed Ali

20th century Pakistani novelist

Esther Allen

John Allman

Contemporary American poet and novelist

Germano Almeida

Cape Verdean contemporary author

Hilton Als

Contemporary American writer and critic. Staff writer at The New Yorker.

Corrado Alvaro

20th century Italian journalist and writer

Amanda Hopkinson

Translator from the Spanish, French, and Portuguese

Nguyễn An Lý

Wang An-shih

Alfred Andersch

20th century German novelist and journalist

Sherwood Anderson

20th century American novelist and short story writer

Wayne Andrews

20th century American author, editor and scholar

Jeffrey Angles

David Antin

Contemporary American poet and critic

Wang Anyi

Contemporary Chinese novelist

Hugh Aplin

Translator from the Russian

Guillaume Apollinaire

20th century French poet, playwright, art critic and Surrealist

Martín Arias

Homero Aridjis

Contemporary Mexican-Greek poet, novelist, columnist, diplomat and environmental activist.

Richard Arno

John Ashbery

E. B. Ashton


Jessica Au

Contemporary Australian novelist

Gennady Aygi

20th century poet and translator of both Russian and Chuvash

Claire Baglin

Carol Bailey

Jesse Ball

Solvej Balle

Honoré de Balzac

19th century French novelist, playwright and realist

Carol Bangs

Contemporary poet and editor

John Banville

John Banville is an Irish novelist.

Willis Barnstone

Contemporary American poet and translator from Ancient Greek

Lee Bartlett

Contemporary American author and scholar

Polly Barton

Japanese translator, essayist, and author

Jacques Barzun

Contemporary scholar of American culture and historian

Christophe Bataille

Contemporary French novelist

H. E. Bates

20th century English novelist and short story writer

John Batki

Eileen Baumgartner

Martin Bax

Contemporary English writer, editor and pediatrician

Sylvia Beach

Kurt Beals

German Translator

Walter Benjamin

Walter Benjamin was a German-Jewish literary critic, philosopher, translator and essayist.

Gottfried Benn

20th century German poet, novelist and essayist

Claire-Louise Bennett

British writer

Eric Bentley

Contemporary British-American critic, playwright, editor, and translator

Nina Berberova

20th century Russian immigrant novelist and short story writer who settled in Paris

Rafael Bernal

Mexican writer

Giuseppe Berto

20th century Italian novelist, film critic, and playwright

Jen Bervin

Sam Bett

Translator of Star

Berthold Biermann

20th century German journalist, literary critic and political writer

Adolfo Bioy Casares

20th century Argentine writer, translator and journalist

Carmel Bird

Tasmanian-born Australian novelist and short story writer

Jorge Barón Biza

R. P. Blackmur

20th century American literary critic and poet

Harold Bloom

American critic

Johannes Bobrowski

20th century German lyric poet, narrative writer, and essayist

Ádám Bodor

Contemporary Hungarian writer

Nina Bogin

Wolfgang Borchert

20th century German author and playright of the Trümmerliteratur movement

Johan Borgen

20th century Norwegian author, journalist, and critic

Jean-Francois Bory

Contemporary French writer, visual poet and painter

Alain Bosquet

20th century Ukrainian born French Surrealist poet

Ahmed Bouanani

Moroccan writer, poet, illustrator, and filmmaker

David Boyd

Translator and assistant professor of Japanese

Robert Boyers

Robert Boyers is an American author and Tisch Professor of Arts and Letters at Skidmore College.

Kay Boyle

20th century writer and political activist

Coral Bracho

Contemporary Mexican poet

Martin Brady

Bettina Brandt

Kamau Brathwaite

Contemporary Caribbean writer

Robert Bray

Edwin Brock

20th century British poet

Andrew Bromfield

William Bronk

20th century American poet

Christine Brooke-Rose

British experimental writer and literary critic

Cecily Brown

British painter

Thomas Browne

17th Century English writer

Rosanna Bruno

Jonathan Buckley

An award-winning writer and editor


Mikhail Bulgakov

20th century Russian novelist, playwright and journalist

Thomas Bunstead

Spanish translator

Basil Bunting

Modernist poet of the 20th century and journalist

Joan Burke

Frederick Busch

20th century American short story writer and novelist

Blake Butler

Richard Caddell

Nick Caistor

Translator from the Spanish

Carol Camper

Veza Canetti

20th century Austrian writer and translator

Garrett Caples

Editor of Spotlight Poetry Series

Ernesto Cardenal

Contemporary Nicaraguan theologian and poet

Antonio Cardiello

Researcher, philosopher, and writer

Rachel Careau

American writer and translator

Patrick Carnegy

Contemporary writer, journalist and scholar

Hayden Carruth

20th century American poet, literary critic and editor

John Carswell

20th century British author, biographer and historian

Joyce Cary

20th century Irish novelist and artist

Gaius Valerius Catullus

Ancient Roman poet

Clare Cavanagh

Blaise Cendrars

20th century Swiss Modernist novelist and poet

Li Ch’ing-Chao

Martin Chalmers

René Char

20th century French poet and Surrealist

Bankim-Chandra Chatterjee

19th century Indian novelist

Lorenzo Chiera

Michal Choromanski

20th century Polish novelist

Chuang Hua

20th century Chinese novelist

Tom Clark

Contemporary American poet, reviewer and biographer

Chris Clarke

Heather Cleary

Translator from the Spanish

Douglas Cleverdon

20th century British writer, publisher, bookseller and radio producer

Stephen Clissold

20th century British novelist and Council official

Jean Cocteau

20th century French avant-garde writer, filmmaker and boxing manager

Andrei Codrescu

Andrei Codrescu is a Romanian-American poet and novelist.

Jonathan Cohen

American translator from the Spanish

Marvin Cohen

Contemporary American, Jewish novelist and short story writer

Joshua Cohen

American Novelist

Liliana Colanzi

Peter Cole

Contemporary American poet and translator of Hebrew.

Isabel Cole

Robert Coles

Contemporary American writer, professor and psychiatrist

C. J. Collins

Translator from the Arabic

Maurice Collis

20th century Irish novelist and historical writer

Archibald Colquhoun

William Cookson

Cid Corman

20th century American poet, editor and translator

Gregory Corso

20th century American writer and Beat poet

Albert Cossery

20th century Egyptian writer

Linda Coverdale

Patrick Creagh

Jonathan C. Creasy

Editor of Black Mountain Poems

Robert Creeley

20th century poet, novelist, short story writer, essayist, editor and teacher

Robyn Creswell

Michael P. Cronin

Janet Cropper

Rupert Copeland Cunningham

S.D. Curtis

Mircea Cărtărescu

Contemporary Romanian author

Edward Dahlberg

20th century expatriate American novelist and essayist

David Daiches

20th century British author and literary critic

Alain Danielou

20th century French intellectual, philosopher and specialist on Indian culture

Edwidge Danticat

Edwidge Danticat is an Haitian-American author.

René Daumal

20th century French avant-garde poet, novelist, essayist and Surrealist

Guy Davenport

20th century American writer, artist and professor

Moyra Davey

American photographer, filmmaker, and writer

Michael Davidson

Contemporary American poet and literary critic

Margaret Dawe

Contemporary American writer and journalist

Mónica De La Torre

Zora Depolo

Babette Deutsch

Albert J. Devlin

Debra Di Blasi

Contemporary American fiction writer

Emily Dickinson

American poet

Jim Dingley


Michael Dirda

Michael Dirda is an American literary critic.

Katrina Dodson

Writer, translator, professor

José Donoso

A prize-winning writer of novels, novellas, short stories, and poetry

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Russian writer

Coleman Dowell

20th century American fiction writer and songwriter for Broadway and television

Sasha Dugdale

Edouard Dujardin

20th century French novelist, playwright and editor

Robert Duncan

20th century American poet affiliated with the San Francisco Renaissance and Beat movement.

Jonathan Dunne

Tibor Déry

20th century Hungarian writer

Richard Eberhart

20th century American writer and poet

Ignacio Echevarría

Edward Edinger

Contemporary American Jungian analyst

Russell Edson

Contemporary American prose poet

Magdalena Edwards

T. S. Eliot

Richard Ellmann

Juan Emar

Chilean writer

Michael Emmerich

Japanese translator

William Empson

20th century English literary critic and writer

Álvaro Enrigue

Alison Entrekin

Barbara Epler

Publisher and editor in chief of New Directions

Ivan Eubanks

Jeffrey Eugenides

Jeffrey Eugenides is an American novelist.

Caradoc Evans

20th century Welsh story-writer, journalist, playwright and novelist

William Everson

20th century American Beat poet and critic

Gavin Ewart

20th century British poet

José Maria de Eça de Queirós

19th century Portuguese diplomat and writer

Forough Farrokhzad

20th century Iranian poet

Hans Faverey

20th century Dutch poet

John Fein

Betty Ferber

Patricio Ferrari

Argentine poet, editor, and translator

Leslie A. Fielder

Peter Filkins

Ronald Firbank

20th century British novelist

Dudley Fitts

20th century American teacher and translator of Greek

F. Scott Fitzgerald

20th century American writer of the Jazz Age

Robert Fitzgerald

Gustave Flaubert

19th century French novelist

Angel Flores

20th century Puerto Rican writer

Nancy Forest-Flier

Emilio Fraia

Brazilian writer from San Paulo

Peter France

Frances Frenaye

Frances Frenaye (1908–1996) was an American translator of French and Italian literature.

Sylvia Frezzolini Severance

Christine Froula

Contemporary American literary critic and professor

Jean Frémon

French gallerist and writer

Robin Fulton

Judy Gahagan

Contemporary American writer, poet, teacher, academic psychologist and musician

Michael Gallagher

Jamey Gambrell

Translator from the Russian

Chloe Garcia Roberts

John Gardner

20th century American author

Constance Garnett

Constance Garnett (1861–1946) was the first major translator of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, and Gogol into English.

E.B. Garside


William H. Gass

William H. Gass is an American novelist and critic.

Atul Gawande

Tom Geddes

Wilhelm Genazino

Contemporary German freelance writer

William Gerhardie

20th century Anglo-Russian novelist, playwright and short story writer

Van C. Gessel

Phoebe Giannisi

Contemporary Greek poet

William Gibson

André Gide

20th century French novelist, critic, translator and essayist

Stuart Gilbert

Mirra Ginsburg

Mirra Ginsburg is a Belarusian-born writer and translator.

Oliverio Girondo

Argentine poet

Ani Gjika

Albanian translator and poet

Sheila Faria Glaser

Peter Glassgold

Contemporary American writer and editor

Matthew Gleeson



German author, poet and philosopher of the 18th and 19th centuries

Nikolai Gogol

Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852) was a novelist and political satirist. The author of _Dead Souls_ and _The Overcoat_, he is considered one of Russia’s greatest writers.

Francisco Goldman

American writer

Yvan Goll

20th century Franco-German bilingual writer, playwright, novelist, translator and poet

John Goodby

William Goyen

Author and translator from the French

Grace Schulman

Günter Grass

Amelia Gray

Elizabeth T. Gray, Jr.

Samuel Greenberg

Austrian poet

Derek Gromadzki

Allen Grossman

Contemporary American poet

Martin Grzimek

Contemporary German novelist

Gu Cheng

20th century Chinese poet

John Guare

John Guare is an American playwright.

Albert J. Guerard

Leila Guerriero

Henri Guigonnat

Henri Guigonnat was a French writer primarily known for his book, Daemon in Lithuania, which is testimony to his humorous, perverse and elegant writing style.

Eugene Guillevic

20th Century French Poet

Kirsty Gunn

Novelist, critic, and professor

Lars Gustafsson

Contemporary Swedish novelist, story-writer, poet, critic and professor.

Leland Guyer

Portuguese translator

Martín Hadis

Sakutaro Hagiwara

Russell Haley

Contemporary English fiction writer and poet

James B. Hall

20th century American novelist and poet

Michael Hamburger

Sam Hamill

Contemporary American poet

Knut Hamsun

Norwegian novelist of the 19th and 20th centuries

Peter Handke

Contemporary Austrian modernist novelist, poet, playwright and drama writer

Geraldine Harcourt

Japanese translator

Audrey Harris


Jean Harris

Lesley Harrison

Luis Harss

Translator from the Spanish

Saidiya Hartman

Contemporary writer

Rosalind Harvey

UK-based translator from the Spanish.

Patricia Haugaard

Marlen Haushofer

Austrian novelist

Barbara J. Haveland

John Hawkes

20th century American novelist

Celia Hawkesworth

Albert Hayes

20th century American editor and professor

Samuel Hazo

Contemporary American poet

Laura Healy

Robert Heibling

German scholar

Robert Helbling

Jan Heller Levi

Essex Hemphill

Janet Hendrickson


Victor Heringer

Brazilian writer and artist

Gustaw Herling-Grudzinski

Gustaw Herling-Grudzinski was a Polish writer and soldier. He is best known for writing a personal account of life in the Soviet gulag called _A World Apart_

Felisberto Hernández

William Herrick

William Herrick traveled all around the United States as a hobo, fought in the Spanish Civil War and spent much of his life in New York as a court reporter.

Hermann Hesse

Herman Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter who received the 1946 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Sheila Heti

David B. Hobbs

Michael Hofmann

Gert Hofmann

20th Century German writer and scholar

Lisa Hofmann-Kuroda


Edwin Honig

Edwin Honig was an American poet, playwright and translator. He was involved in the founding of the Brown University Graduate Program in Creative Writing.

Paul Hoover

Paul Hoover is an American poet and editor, and is widely known as the editor of New American Writing

Hasib Hourani

Richard Howard

Irving Howe

Fanny Howe

Sophie Hughes

International Booker Prize Melchor Hurricane Season contemporary Spanish translator

Vicente Huidobro

Chilean poet

Michael Hulse

Maude Hutchins

Maude Hutchins was an American novelist who was noted for her use of the nouveau roman style of writing.

Mark Hutchinson

French translator

Qurratulain Hyder

Indian novelist, academic and journalist

James Irby

Tatsuhiko Ishii

Japanese journalist, poet, and essayist

Mai Ishizawa

Ledo Ivo

Brazilian journalist, poet, novelist, and essayist who favored classical forms and rhythms

Philippe Jaccottet

Philippe Jaccottet is a poet and translator who publishes in French.

Anne Jackson

American Actress

Henry James

Henry James was a prolific author and one of the key figures of 19th century literary realism.

Gustav Janouch

Gustav Janouch was a Czech poet and memoirist remembered most for his memoir _Conversations with Kafka_

Elisabeth Jaquette

Penelope Jardine

Alfred Jarry

Alfred Jarry was a French author and dramatist. The production of his Ubu Roi caused great controversy and riot on its opening night.

William Jay Smith

Robinson Jeffers

Robinson Jeffers was a modernist American poet

B.S. Johnson

B.S. Johnson was an English experimental novelist, poet, and critic.

Bill Johnston

Maria Jolas

Shane Jones

Francis R. Jones

Gabriel Josipovici

Gabriel Josipovici is a British novelist, critic and university professor.

James Joyce

James Joyce was one of innovators of postmodernism. He is widely considered one of the most important writers of the 20th century.

Stanislaus Joyce

Early 20th century Irish writer and scholar

Toming Jun Liu

Ernst Kaiser

Bilge Karasu

Bilge Karasu is regarded as the preeminent Turkish Modernist writer

Mary Karr

Contemporary American poet and writer

Bob Kaufman

Robert Kaufman was a Beat Poet who helped define the “San Francisco Renaissance” poetry movement

Donald Keene

Translator and scholar of Japanese literature

Thomas Keith

Christoph Keller

Kenyon Critics

Sue Monk Kidd

Sue Monk Kidd is an American novelist.

Abdelfattah Kilito

Abdelfattah Kilito is a Moroccan author who has published several books in Arabic and French.

Lincoln Kirstein

Lincoln Kirstein was an American writer best known for founding the New York City Ballet.

Danilo Kiš

Danilo Kiš was a Yugoslavian novelist who wrote in Serbo-Croatian.

Lee Klein

Lucas Klein

Translator from the Chinese

Heinrich von Kleist

Heinrich von Kleist was a German writer and soldier.

Alexander Kluge

Alexander Kluge is a famous German filmmaker and author.

Rosalie Knecht

Tynan Kogane

Kono Taeko

Taeko Kono is a well known contemporary Japanese writer and critic.

Dezső Kosztolányi

Dezső Kosztolányi was a Hungarian prose writer and poet.

Elaine Kraf

Elaine Kraf is an American novelist and teacher.

Kern Krapohl

Nicole Krauss

Contemporary American author and friend of New Directions

Rüdiger Kremer

Rüdiger Kremer is a contemporary German writer.

Ágota Kristóf

Hungarian writer

Ryszard Krynicki

Mark Kurlansky

Mark Kurlansky is an American non-fiction writer and journalist.

Tony Kushner

Anna Kushner

Louise Labé

16th century French female poet

Jules Laforgue

Poet of Moral Tales

John Lahr

John Lahr is a theater critic and has been the senior drama critic for the New Yorker since October 1992.

Davide Lajolo

Biographer of Cesare Pavase

Carlton Lake

Art critic and collector.

P. Lal

P. Lal was a poet and Sanskrit scholar who helped bring ancient Sanskrit plays to a modern audience.

Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is both the head of State and the spiritual leader of Tibet.

Tommaso Landolfi

Tommaso Landolfi was a Italian writer and translator. His collection of stories, Gogol’s wife, was cited as a “must read” by Donald Barthelme

Deborah Larsen

author of Stitching Porcelain

Comte de Lautréamont

Controversial French author who influenced surrealism

D. H. Lawrence

Author of Lady Chatterly’s Lover and Quetzalcoatl

Robert Lax

author of “33 Poems”

Irving Layton

Author of “Selected Poems”

Ursula K. Le Guin

Ursula K. Le Guin is an American writer.

Sylvia Legris

Canadian poet

Rosamond Lehmann

Christine Lehner

Author of “Expecting”

Herbert Leibowitz

Author of Fabricating Lives

Sister Therese Lentfoehr

Poet and Nun

Siegfried Lenz

German author Siegfried Lenz has written novels and produced several collections of short stories, essays, and plays for radio and the theatre.

Giuseppe Leporace

Alexander Lernet-Holenia

Jonathan Lethem

Harry Levin

Literary scholar

Alvin Levin

Suzanne Jill Levine

Alexis Levitin

Roger Lewinter

Wyndham Lewis

Editor of Blast Magazine, Co-founder of Vorticism

Tess Lewis

Li Ching-Chao

Ancient Chinese poet

Li Po

Ancient Chinese poet

Enrique Lihn

20th Century Chilean poet

Hsieh Ling-Yün

Hsieh Ling-Yün was an ancient Chinese poet who is credited with initiating the tradition of “rivers-and-mountains” poetry.

Federico García Lorca

20th Century Spanish Poet

Johnny Lorenz

Translator of Brazilian literature

D.M. Low

Alvin Lustig

Sverre Lyngstad

Scholar and translator of Norwegian

Linda Lê

Author of “The Three Fates”

Alfred MacAdam

Contemporary American Translator of Julio Cortázar’s FINAL EXAM

Donald MacAulay

20th Century Scottish Poet

Hugh MacDiarmid

20th century Scottish poet

Bonnie S. MacDougall

Contemporary Australian translator of Ah Chang

C. F. MacIntyre

Ian S. MacNiven

Ian. S. MacNiven is a American biographer.

Leonard Mades

Chantal Maillard


Chen Maiping

Chinese-Swedish writer and poet

Stéphane Mallarmé

French Symbolist Poet

Oscar Mandel

20th Century Belgian writer

Charlotte Mandell

Osip Mandelstam

Osip Mandelstam

20th century writer.

Ralph Manheim

Abby Mann

20th century American film writer and producer

Ben Marcus

Allison Markin Powell

Translator and editor

David Markson

20th Century Novelist

Adam Mars-Jones

Julio Marzán

Carole Maso

Contemporary Experimental Novelist

Alane Salierno Mason

Harry Mathews

Marthiel Mathews

American poet and translator from the French.

Jackson Mathews

American poet and translator from the French.

Christopher Mattison

Armistead Maupin

Armistead Maupin is an American writer.

André Maurois

Will May

Ralph McCarthy


Paul McCarthy

Japanese translator

Carson McCullers

20th Century American novelist

Megan McDowell

Translator from the Spanish

Alastair McEwen

Vincent McHugh

Enid McLeod

Terrence McNally

Terrence McNally is an American playwright

George McWhirter

Stephanie Mckenzie

Semadar Megged

Douglas Messerli

20th Century American Poet and Publisher

Jeffery Meyers

20th Century American Writer

Henri Michaux

20th Century Belgian Poet

Christopher Middleton

Valerie Miles

Anna Milsom

Translator of Spanish

Frédéric Mistral

19th Century French Poet and Nobel Laureate

Tom Mitchell

Breon Mitchell

Contemporary American translator of German literature

Nancy Mitford

Teru Miyamoto

21st Century Japanese novelist

Eugenio Montale

20th Century Italian poet and Nobel laureate

Rick Moody

Rick Moody is an American novelist and short story writer.

Michael F. Moore

Paul Morand

20th Century French Poet

Adam Morris

American Translator

Nicholas Moschovakis

Gregory Mosher

Gregory Mosher is a long time director, producer, and writer. He is currently a professor at Columbia University.

Miranda Richmond Mouillot

Translator of French literature

Mu Xin

Contemporary Chinese fiction writer and visual artist

Paul Muldoon

Paul Muldoon is an Irish poet.

Harryette Mullen

Sam Munson

American writer

James Munves

20th Century American writer

Steven T. Murray

American translator of Norwegian literature

Nabarun Bhattacharya

Sawako Nakayasu

Raduan Nassar

Alan Neame

Pablo Neruda

20th Century Chilean poet

New Directions

Denise Newman

Alison Mills Newman

Robert Nichols

20th century American beat poet

John Nims

20th Century American Poet

Greg Nissan

Translates from the German.

Lucy North

Japanese translator

Amélie Nothomb

Contemporary Belgian writer

Idra Novey

Contemporary writer and translator

Tiina Nunnally

American translator of Norwegian literature

Joyce Carol Oates

Contemporary American Novelist

Griselda Ohannessian

New Directions Publisher and Memoirist

Sayuri Okamoto

Paul Olchváry

Hungarian translator

Charles Olson

20th Century American Poet

Toby Olson

George Oppen

20th Century American Poet

Mary Oppen

Eugene Ostashevsky


Wilfred Owen

20th Century British poet

José Emilio Pacheco

20th Century Mexican Poet

Richard Panchyk

Writer, German translator

Daniele Pantano

Tim Parks

Nicanor Parra

20th Century Chilean Poet

Geoffrey Parrinder

20th Century Theologian

Boris Pasternak

20th Century Russian Writer

Kenneth Patchen

20th Century American Poet

J. C. Patrick

Robin Patterson

Translator of Portuguese literature

Ota Pavel

20th Century Czech Writer

Marie-José Tramini Paz

Mexican artist

Paul M. Pearson

Victor Pelevin

Contemporary Russian novelist

Georges Perec

Marjorie Perloff

Contemporary American Literary Critic

Zoë Perry

Translator of Portuguese

Saint John Perse

20th Century French Poet

Jan Peter Tripp

Philippe Petit

Writer and high-wire walker

Adam Phillips

René Philoctète

20th Century Haitian writer

Alejandra Pizarnik

Argentine poet

Jerónimo Pizarro

Po Chu-I

Ancient Chiense Poet

Mark Polizzotti

Sarah Pollack

professor and translator

Joe Ashby Porter

20th Century American Writer

Anne Posten

Caradog Prichard

20th Century Welsh Novelist

Francine Prose

Marcel Proust

James Purdy

20th Century American novelist

Qian Zhongshu

20th Century Chinese novelist

Gregory Rabassa

20th Century American translator

Mary de Rachewiltz

20th Century American memoirist

Philip Rahv

Emma Ramadan

American translator

Camilo Ramirez

Margaret Randall

20th Century American Poet

John Ransom

20th Century American literary critic

Raja Rao

20th Century Indian novelist

Herbert Read

20th Century British writer

Erik Reece

20th Century American Art Critic

Matt Reeck

Lou Reed

Alastair Reid

Petra Reid


Robert F. Reid-Pharr

James Reidel

James Reidel is a poet, translator, and biographer.

Pierre Reverdy

20th Century French poet

Rodrigo Rey Rosa

20th century Guatemalan novelist

Charles Reznikoff

20th Century American writer of the Objectivist group

Frances Riddle

Keith Ridgway

Contemporary Irish writer

Erik Rieselbach

Rainer Rilke

20th century German-language poet, novelist and translator

Arthur Rimbaud

19th century French poet

Kim Stanley Robinson

Edouard Roditi

20th Century American writer

Selden Rodman

20th century American poet, writer and art critic

David Roessel

Editor and Professor of Greek Language and Literature

Frederick Rolfe (Baron Corvo)

British late 19th century novelist and short story writer

Guillermo Rosales

20th century Cuban novelist

Hilda Rosner

Amelia Rosselli

Jerome Rothenberg

Contemporary American poet

Ralf Rothmann

Contemporary German novelist and poet

Raymond Roussel

Muriel Rukeyser

American poet and activist

Jennifer Russell

Danish translator

Annette J. Saddick

Nayantara Sahgal

Contemporary Indian novelist and journalist

Paul Sahre


12th century Japanese poet

Ihara Saikaku

17th century Japanese poet

Yvonne L. Sandstroem

Geoffrey W. Sargent

Geoffrey W. Sargent is a translator.

William Saroyan

20th century American novelist and playwright

Nathalie Sarraute

Albertine Sarrazin

French-Algerian writer who wrote only two novels before dying at twenty-nine.

Stephen Sartarelli

Jean-Paul Sartre

20th century French writer, critic and philosopher

Kathryn Scanlan

Contemporary American writer

Judith Schalansky

Irmgard Schloegl

20th Century Zen Buddhist nun and writer

Marian Schwartz

G. Schwebell

Gertrude Schwebell is primarily a translator of German writing.

John Scott

Contemporary English-Australian poet

Peter Scott

Contemporary Canadian poet, journalist and diplomat

C.K. Scott-Moncrieff

Carl Seelig

Will Self

Will Self is a British novelist and short story writer.

Eric Selland

Translator from the Japanese

Julian Semilian

Danzy Senna

Aharon Shabtai

Contemporary Israeli poet and translator

Hasan Shah

18th century Indian writer

Li Shangyin

John Patrick Shanley

American playwright, screenwriter and director

Merchant-Prince Shattan

Ancient Tamil Poet

Roger Shattuck

Adania Shibli

Kazuko Shiraishi

Contemporary experimental Japanese poet

Tanya Shirley

Richard Sieburth

Yvette Siegert

Translator from the Spanish

Katherine Silver

Contemporary American translator of Spanish

Charles Simic

Contemporary Serbian poet and translator

Andrew Sinclair

Contemporary English writer and historian

C. H. Sisson

20th-century British poet, translator, essayist, and novelist

Sophia Hersi Smith

Danish translator

Jackie Smith

Jordan A. Y. Smith

Japanese translator

D. Smith

20th Century English minister, scholar and teacher

Brian Sneeden


Gustaf Sobin

20th century American poet and writer

Susan Sontag

Sophie Hughes

Translator from the Spanish

Reto Sorg

Gilbert Sorrentino

20th century American poet, novelist and critic

Gilbert Sorrentino

K. C. S. Sotelino

Theodore Spencer

American poet

Hardie St. Martin

Reiner Stach

Enid Starkie

Irish literary critic

George Steiner

Contemporary critic and essayist

Robert Steiner

Contemporary American writer


Early 19th century French novelist

Maria Stepanova

20th century Russian writer and editor.

Ann Stevens

Auston Stewart

Bianca Stone

Bianca Stone is a poet and illustrator.

Donna Stonecipher

Jordan Stump

Sunandini Banerjee

Editor and translator

Jules Supervielle

Early 20th century Uruguayan poet

Walter Sutton

20th century American literary critic

Italo Svevo

Early 20th century Italian novelist

Richard Swartz

Contemporary Swedish writer

Cole Swensen

Poet and French translator

George Szirtes

Antonio Tabucchi

Contemporary Italian writer and academic

Nathaniel Tarn

Contemporary franco-american poet, translator and critic

Peter Tegel

Craig Morgan Teicher

Emma Tennant

Contemporary British novelist

Norman Thomas

20th century American writer

Merlin Thomas

20th century French scholar

Bonnie Thurston


Vietnamese novelist

Lynne Tillman

Uwe Timm

Contemporary German author

Nancy M. Tischler

Charles Tomlinson

Contemporary British poet and scholar

Federigo Tozzi

Early 20th century Italian realist writer

Lionel Trilling

20th century American critic

Yumiko Tsumura

Yūko Tsushima

Contemporary Japanese writer

Leonid Tsypkin

20th Century Russian writer

Tu Fu

8th century Chinese poet

Niccolo Tucci

20th Century Italian writer

Annie Tucker

Martin Turnell

Frederic Tuten

Contemporary American writer

Colm Tóibín

Colm Tóibín is an Irish author.

Dubravka Ugresic

Contemporary Croatian writer

John Updike

John Updike is an American novelist and literary critic.

Paulo Gurgel Valente

Paul Valery

19th century French poet and philosopher

César Vallejo

Fernando Vallejo

Paul Van Ostaijen

Early 20th century Flemish writer

Louise Varese

Caetano Veloso

Leila Vennewitz

Lara Vergnaud

American translator

Luis Verissimo

Contemporary Brazilian writer

J. Keith Vincent

Ida Vitale

Latin American poet

Elio Vittorini

20th Century writer

Swami Vivekananda

William Vollmann

Francesca Wade

Contemporary English writer and critic

Kate Walker

Eli Wallach

An enduring American actor

Donald D. Walsh

Wang Wei

8th century Chinese poet

Andy Warhol

Robert Penn Warren

20th Century American writer

Alyson Waters

John Waters

John Waters is an American filmmaker, actor and writer.

Vernon Watkins

20th Century Welsh poet and translator

Ouattara Watts

American artist

Robert Way

Contemporary South African novelist

Ann Weinstock

Max Weiss

Scholar and Arabic translator

Peter Weiss

Mary Wellesley

Alex Wermer-Colan


Marta Werner

American Dickinson scholar

Liz Werner

Nathanael West

20th century American author and screenwriter

Paul West

Contemporary English Novelist

John Wheelwright

20th Century American poet

George Whicher

20th Century American Scholar

Shaun Whiteside


Gabriela Wiener

Eithne Wilkins

William Eric Williams

Jonathan Williams

20th Century American poet and publisher

Elizabeth Willis

Edmund Wilson

Lanford Wilson

Lanford Wilson was an American playwright who contributed largely to the Off-Off-Broadway theater scene in the 1980s.

Natasha Wimmer

Elizabeth Winslow

Richard and Clara Winston

Translators from the German

Yvor Winters

20th century American poet and literary critic

Jeanette Winterson

Oswald von Wolkenstein

Songwriter and composer (1376/7-1445) of the German Renaissance

James Wood

American critic, essayist, and novelist

Deborah Woodard

Jim Woodring

Jim Woodring is an American comic book writer and artist.

Alexis Wright

A prize-winning novelist and nonfiction writer, and a member of the Waanyi nation of the southern highlands of the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Barbara Wright

Christine Wunnicke

Frank Wynne


Jeffrey Yang

Donald Yates

Kyoko Yoshida

James Young

Irish writer and translator

Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi

Alejandro Zambra

Kate Zambreno

Novelist, essayist, critic, and professor

Zinovy Zinik

Contemporary Russian author

Louis Zukofsky

20th century American poet

Mário de Andrade

Brazilian poet, novelist, critic.

Eugénio de Andrade

20th century Portuguese poet and translator

Sebastián de Covarrubias Horozco

Spanish lexicographer (1539-1613) under Philip II

Choderlos de Laclos

French author and army general

Madame de Lafayette

Baroque period author of The Princess of Clèves

Anne de Marcken

A queer interdisciplinary artist and writer

Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

Paul Éluard

20th century French Surrealist poet

István Örkény

20th Century Hungarian Writer

Hidde Van Ameyden van Duym