Kim Hyesoon with Don Mee Choi, Elizabeth Willis, and Nancy Bowen at The Poetry Project

Oct, 06 2023 | 7:00 PM

Kim Hyesoon with Don Mee Choi, Elizabeth Willis, and Nancy Bowen at The Poetry Project

The Poetry Project

Address: 131 East 10th St.
City: New York
State: NY
Zip: 10003

A witch makes her words of air, then fire, then the planets. Of cardboard, then ink, then a compass,” writes Elizabeth Willis. Such elemental, alchemical words fly, shimmer, and burn in new books by Kim Hyesoon (trans. by Don Mee Choi) and Willis (with images by Nancy Bowen) in the language(s) of memory and forgetting, of wind and birds.

Join Kim Hyesoon and translator Don Mee Choi, Elizabeth Willis, and Nancy Bowen for a reading at The Poetry Project on Friday, October 6. A reception will be held at 7 pm and the reading will begin at 8 pm. Register here to reserve your spot.

This in-person event will also be livestreamed via The Poetry Project's YouTube. Livestream captions will be available via a StreamText link or the CC button on YouTube's player.