Revisiting Rukeyser’s Elegies: Day 2

Feb, 20 2021 | 2:00 PM

Revisiting Rukeyser’s Elegies: Day 2

Rowena Kennedy-Epstein: Muriel Rukeyser’s Unfinished Modernism

Register for the online event here:

Saturday’s Event schedule:

Morning Events:

11am Rowena Kennedy-Epstein, Keynote Address: Muriel Rukeyser’s Unfinished Modernism

12:15-12:45: Zoom Coffee Break–New Directions in Rukeyser Scholarship

Afternoon Events:

1-2pm Panel 2 (Moderator: TBA)

Eleanor Careless: Usable Elegies: Muriel Rukeyser’s Third Elegy and the Legacy of the Spanish Civil War

Trudi Witonsky: “The living will be giving you your meanings”

2:30-3:30pm Panel 3 (Moderator: Casey Miller)

Eric Keenaghan: Writing-in-Crisis: Antifascism, 1940s Radicalism, and the Resistance to (Muriel Rukeyser’s) Poetry

Adam Mitts: Of Us, What We?: Rukeyser’s Elegies and the Poetics of Solidarity

4-5:15pm “Nourish Beginnings”–A Conversation with Sam Buczeksmith, Modina

Jackson, Lily Pratt, and Chloe Ross (zoom link)

5:30pm Zoom Happy Hour and Informal Conversation with Louise Kertesz