Revisiting Rukeyser’s Elegies: Day 1

Feb, 19 2021 | 2:00 PM

Revisiting Rukeyser’s Elegies: Day 1

Louise Kertesz

My Untamable Need: Reading Rukeyser’s Elegies in Light of Some of Her Later Poems

Register for the online event here:

Friday’s Event schedule:

Morning events:

11am Louise Kertesz, Keynote Address: My Untamable Need: Reading Rukeyser’s Elegies in Light of Some of Her Later Poems

12:30-1:30pm Zoom Coffee Break: Muriel Rukeyser’s Elegies in Different Voices–Reading Poems with People

Afternoon events:

2:00-3:30pm Panel 1 (Moderator: TBA )

Vivian Pollak: Muriel Rukeyser’s Elegies: The Contemporary Reviews 1950

Meryl Altman: Rukeyser’s Elegies: Between Rilke and Rich

Lucas Moe: The Radical Elegies: Macha Rosenthal and Rukeyser’s Symbolic Confession

“How Can I Help You”: Poet and public radio producer, Dennis J Bernstein, reflects on his joy documenting Muriel’s work, during her final years.

5-6pm: Zoom Happy Hour!