International Writers Series: Literature & the World Cup

Nov, 19 2022 | 4:00 PM

International Writers Series: Literature & the World Cup

New Directions author Emilio Fraia will be joined by Helon Habila, Andrés Neuman, and Patrice Nganang as they discuss the upcoming World Cup in Qatar with Anderson Tepper for the Brooklyn Public Library’s November International Writers series.

Even more than elections, every four years the World Cup promises a rollercoaster of emotions—panic, dread, joy, ecstasy. So who better than writers to obsess over its rich, dramatic storylines and characters? On the eve of the World Cup in Qatar, four of global literature’s most thrilling—and soccer-mad—novelists come together to swap their World Cup hopes, dreams, gripes, and predictions: Emilio Fraia (Brazil), Helon Habila (Nigeria), Andrés Neuman (Argentina/Spain), and Patrice Nganang (Cameroon).

All four books will be available for purchase courtesy of Greenlight Bookstore.