New Directions 46

New Directions 46


The forty-sixth number of New Directions in Prose & Poetry, a bi-annual magazine in book form, presents a wide spectrum of “new directions" taken by fiction writers and poets from ten countries. Within ND46 are two minianthologies: Peter Glassgold’s Hwaet!, five American modernist poets in Old English translation––and Alistair Paterson’s selection of seven New Zealand poets. Also of special note are New Zealand fiction writer Russell Haley’s “The Cosmetic Factory," Denise Levertov’s lyrical prose tribute to “The Gardener," and “Clara Remembered," Robert Nichols’s evocation in poetry and prose of his mother’s early years. Featured as well are poems by Ernesto Cardenal, Nicaraguan poet, priest, and present Minister of Culture; Lars Gustafsson, the noted Swedish renaissance man of letters; Aleksis Rannit, one of the world’s foremost poets in the Estonian language; and Tennessee Williams. Included as well is fiction by Macun Bocock, Doug Crowell, Jorge Edwards (Chile), William Holinger, Clarice Lispector (Brazil), Michael McGuire, Ursule MoInaro, and Geoffrey Rips, and poetry by Dierdra Baldwin, Carol Jane Bangs, Nicholas Born (West Germany), Pablo Antonio Cuadra (Nicaragua), Philippe Denis (France), Joseph Donahue, André Lefevere (Belgium), J. B. Goodenough, A. Poulin, Jr., and Mary Jane White.

Paperback(published Jun, 01 1983)


Clothbound(published Jun, 01 1983)

Price US