Hermit's Guide to Home Economics

Robert Lax

Pamphlets series

One of the great original voices of our times—a pilgrim in search of beautiful innocence.

Jack Kerouac

Poetry Pamphlet 20

Hermit's Guide to Home Economics

Poetry by Robert Lax

A Hermit’s Guide to Home Economics combines three long poems Robert Lax composed on the Island of Patmos, where he lived apart from the world. Lax writes humorously about his “hermit” life, as if he were King Solomon doing a stand-up routine. But he also writes like a mystic whose surroundings speak to him, and he uses the whole field of the page to explore the full potential of the word as image and the poet as citizen.

I just won’t talk. I won’t let on that I see what goes on in the world.

Buy Hermit's Guide to Home Economics

Paperback(published Apr, 07 2015)

Portrait of Robert Lax

Robert Lax

author of “33 Poems”

One of the great original voices of our times—a pilgrim in search of beautiful innocence.

Jack Kerouac

Robert Lax’s poems prove yet again that the gift to be simple is the gift to be free, that less is more, and that least may sometimes be most.

John Ashbery