Part Of The Solution

Margaret Randall

Part Of The Solution

Fiction by Margaret Randall

Part of the Solution: Portrait of a Revolutionary is a searching work, largely autobiographical in nature by the poet, editor, and translator Margaret Randall, once an American citizen, and now living in Cuba. Included in the book are notes from Ms. Randall’s diary (1970-72), detailing her day-to-day life in Cuba, and a retrospective collection of her prose, poetry, and translations written over the past several years, culminating in the fervent “I Am Attica.” There is, in addition a long and intimate introduction by Robert Cohen, her fellow activist and companion, which candidly re-explores the long, often painful journey from middle-class America to revolutionary Cuba.

Paperback(published Jan, 01 2001)

Portrait of Margaret Randall

Margaret Randall

20th Century American Poet